
Intelligent Warehouse

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Guang Dong Sunli Intelligent Logistics Equipment Co;Ltd 

Contact: Mr. Du / miss Shaw


Mobile:136 0028 2227



address:Tangxia Village Industrial Zone, Gaobu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong

Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors

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Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors

Detailed introduction

 Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors

Product Definition

Reciprocating conveyors are an economical solution for lifting totes, boxes, and parcels between two or more levels.It consists of main frame, power motor, conveying line and hoist , which will move loads of all shapes sizes and weights. This conveyor will employ a counterweight in the lifting frame to reduce driving power. Loads are evenly distributed between belts by a seesaw lever    

Product Features    

1,Carry one load at a time;    

2,Multiple access to conveyors on different levels;    

3,Heavy duty range carriage acceptable;    

4,Safety nettings to prevent worker falling off.    



Product Features


Related tags:?提升機(jī),VerticalReciprocatingConveyors價(jià)格,VerticalReciprocatingConveyors批發(fā)


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